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Hey Doggers,

What is the secret to reaching your goal of hot dog slingership sooner rather than later?

You must set goals.

No goals = no direction. No one ever wanders aimlessly into a major success.

However, the biggest mistake most folks make when setting goals is making them too general, for example: “I want to get my hot dog cart business up and running.”

That’s way too vague for anyone to get their head around.

Studies have proven that the human brain can only think about an average of seven concepts at one time. I think mine can hold about 2 on a good day ;-).

This means that if you have a complex goal with many different parts, there is absolutely no way to keep them all in the front of your mind – and that’s exactly where they need to be if you are going to have any chance of accomplishing them.

So what can we do to overcome our built in limitations?

Get Chunky!
You need to chunk it down into smaller pieces that you can visualize and attack one by one.

There are actually 27 individual steps that must be accomplished before you can sell your first hot dog. They are listed on page 159 of my book Carts of Cash.

All you have to do is pick one – and then commit to it!

How about a date?

No, not that kind of date, but thanks for asking.

Setting a calendar date is the second key to goal achievement. No date = no urgency. You must give yourself a deadline.

This is not optional. A goal without a date is just a dream.

So chunk it, date it, attack it, then repeat the process.

As you check the tasks off your list you will find yourself gaining momentum and before you know it you will have sold your first hot dog, or your 10,000th, or built your own hot dog cart, or gotten that second or third or twentieth cart out on the streets.

The feeling of accomplishment when you succeed in your own business is indescribably sweet. It changes you. You will never forget it.

So let’s all get chunky together – tell me your goal chunk (make it really specific) and the date you will finish it by in the comments. I think you will find it a powerful jump start to accomplishing something big in 2011.




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