Learning from ‘The Simpsons’

On an episode of “The Simpsons,” all that’s on Homer’s mind while attending Bleeding Gums Murphy’s funeral is getting a hot dog. Sure enough, a vendor hollers, “Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs here!”

But why would a hot dog vendor be at a cemetery?

On the TV show, the hot dog man was simply following around a loyal customer, he told Homer’s incredulous wife, Marge: “Lady, he’s putting my kids through college.”

But at the Atlantic City Cemetery in Pleasantville on Monday, the family of the departed hired a hot dog vendor to be there.

The cart was set up a few feet from a row of tombstones. Mourners kept stopping by for dogs and drinks.

One guy manning the cart said it was the fourth or fifth funeral he has worked.

original story at The Press of Atlantic City

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