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Back in your September 23 blog you talked about getting into the haunted house scene.

I sent you an email thanking you for the great idea because after contacting every Halloween gig in the Wilmington NC area, I landed one where these two young men invested more than $500,000.

They had 11,000 square feet of pure terror, with up to 30 to 40 actors and actresses every Thursday to Saturday from 6 pm to 11 am starting October 21st.

Well needless to say, my wife and I made a killing in more ways than we could have dreamed of. We made good money but better than that we got countless contacts that can only help our business grow.

This is our first week away, and man do we miss that party atmosphere especially while making money. Words can not describe what a great time we had.

So here are some pictures that you told me to send when we were done, and again, thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Williams

P.S. They start filming a movie there in mid November.


Today’s lesson:. Nothing happens until you take action, and that’s exactly what Jeff and his wife did.

Like he said, the profit from the gig is just the tip of the iceberg. The real pay off is the future income which will be generated by the contacts they made. That’s how to leverage your activities.

Jeff, you and your wife are doggin’ like pros – great job!

Let’s give it up for the Williams’ in the comments, and don’t forget to click the Facebook button (upper left) to give Jeff some helpful free publicity!

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