I got an email from a student of mine asking my opinion about cooking methods.  Thought you could benefit from the answer…

Q: “Steve,  I bought your book etc. and have been listening to the cd’s on the way to & from work. I wish i’d have bought them sooner.  I’m planning on purchasing a Top Dog hot dog cart and will have the capability of griddle “flattop” cooking. Don’t they taste better that way?    Thanks,   Dave J. –  Dave’s Dogs”

A: Hey Dave!  Grilling and steamimg are two very different prep methods which produce very different tastes even in the same hot dog brand. Now I’m a Chicago guy so I grew up on steamed Vienna Beef franks in a nice soft steamed bun (so soft that it sticks to the roof of your mouth…mmmmm.)

Having said that, there are a whole slew of folks who will violently disagree with me.  For them a slightly blackened crispy-smokey dog is heaven on a bun and I must admit I like those too!

Steaming is covered in my Carts of Cash course, but if you are grilling here’s a trick you’ll want to know. Whether you use an open flame or  a flat top, grilling dries the hot dogs out very quickly. What you want to do is grill them to perfection, then pop them into the steamer to keep them warm without turning them into jerky.

Do not put them directly into the water, rather place a perforated insert into your pan to keep the dogs high and dry but still warm and steamy.

But remember this – you are not your customer. It makes no difference what YOU like. The trick is to know which ones your CUSTOMERS prefer. For more on finding out exactly what will sell in your particular area, read this.

Now that I’ve given you something to chew on, let me know what works for you.  Join the conversation by leaving a comment below…

Happy grillin’ (or steamin’ )


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