Chicago Style Hot Dogs

Chicago Style Hot Dog.  What’s the big deal?  I’ve been getting a few emails lately asking me what exactly is a Chicago style hot dog and why is it so special. What’s the big deal, anyways? (In Chicago we don’t say “anyway”. We say “anyways?” like it’s a question. FYI)

You’ll find the video at the end of this article.

Here’s a quote, “A Chicago style hot dog is probably the healthiest of the variants because of the abundance of toppings belonging to the fruit and vegetable classification”.


Like anyone really cares – it’s a hot dog for crying out loud. Besides, is it still healthy if I eat three of them in one sitting?

I’ll tell you why a Chicago Style Hot Dog is so great – it’s so great because of all the flavors, textures, and temperatures that come together in one bite. They really work amazingly well together.

If you’ve never tried a Chicago Style hot dog, make some at home and give ’em a try. Here’s the sequence:

How to make a Chicago Style Hot Dog

1. Steamed bun – with poppy seeds if you can get ’em.

2. All beef hot dog – steamed or boiled – Vienna Beef brand is my favorite.

3. Mustard – regular yellow, not brown or spicy.

4. Two tomato slices – wedge between the dog and bun.

5. Dill pickle spear – on the other side of the dog from the tomatoes.

6. Onion – chopped

7. Relish – Neon green from Vienna is the real deal. Yes, it tastes different. You can also use regular sweet pickle relish if you can’t get the neon stuff.

8. Two sport peppers – these can be hard to find, and no they are not jalapenos. I bought mine in 5 gallon buckets from my distributor who ran a truck to the Vienna plant in Chicago once a week.

9. Celery salt – just a light sprinkle but oh, so important. This is the “secret sauce” that ties all the flavors together!

The following video is from our training program at I show the construction of a proper Chicago style hot dog at my cart, as well as my “No Gloves” technique…

Click on the video below to watch it!

As you saw in the video, you should never put ketchup on a Chicago style hot dog. True!

I have been known to use ketchup on a hot dog from time to time but NEVER on the Chicago version. There is too much sweetness in ketchup and it completely wrecks the savory/salty/crunchy/spicy thing that does the happy dance on your taste buds with every bite.

As Nancy Reagan said, “Just say no to ketchup on a Chicago dog”.

That was her, right?


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