First let me say a big “Thank You!” to all you veterans out there.
We owe you everything.


Sandi Wasteny of Bubbadogz writes:

Hey Steve:

Matt and Sandi again from “Bubbadogz”. First of all thank you for the wonderful post on our question last week as the response was a tremendous help. In addition to that we were able to make so many more contacts to network. So thanks for that!.

Secondly here’s another question. What is considered a “good” yield money or dog wise at a typical location? We have 2 great locations we’re really established at now a few days a week, but in my opinion one spot is “mediocre” at best as we doubled our daily earnings at the second location although we hadn’t been there in about a month.


First of all, there is no “typical” location. Resist the urge to compare your sales with that of other doggers. It will make you crazy. Trust me, I’ve been there.

What matters is how you answer the following two questions,

1. “Am I generating enough money to make it worth it?”
2. “Am I having fun?”

“Enough money” is a relative term which depends on a multitude of factors. Only you will know how much is “enough”. The “having fun” question is a lot easier to answer 😉

Your job is to maximize the profit that you can generate in your area. If one location is outperforming the other, you have two choices.

1. Ditch the under-performing location.
2. Get (or build) another cart and work both locations concurrently.


Don’t do anything based on one day of sales at a spot you haven’t been to in a while. It may be a fluke.

Spend equal time at both locations and compare the results after a month. Keep track of the weather in a log so you know which days were slow because of rain, cold, etc. Compare good weather sales at each location.

That should give you a statistically valid comparison that you can base a decision on.

In any case, it’s a good problem to have!


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